Members of the So Group

Dr. Zhang Teng
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr. Zhang obtained his master degree from Jilin University in 2015, and graduated with a Ph.D. from Sorbonne Université with Prof. Anna Proust. Subsequently proceeded to Hokkaido University to embark on a post-doctoral fellowship with Prof. Yasuchika Hasegawa. He started working with the So group in March 2021. His research focuses on synthesis and reactivity of polyoxometalate (POM) compounds and their applications towards catalysis.

Lee Jiawen
Final Year PhD Student
Jiawen graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a BSc in June 2018 and a MSc degree in 2019. She continued her journey with Dr. So in January 2020 pursuing her Ph.D. studies. Her research focuses on the synthesis of novel catalytic systems using low valent silicon compounds.

Nicholas Teo
Final Year PhD Student
Nic graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a BSc in June 2020. He embarked on his Ph.D. studies with Dr. So in January 2021. His research focuses on the synthesis of low-valent group 14 element compounds and catalysis.

Koh An Ping
Second Year PhD Student
An Ping graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a BSc in June 2021. She embarked on her Ph.D. studies with Dr. So in August 2022. Her research focuses on the synthesis, reactivity and catalysis of low valent boron species.

Shina Quek
Second Year PhD Student
Shina graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a BSc in June 2020 and a MSc degree in 2022. She continued her journey with Dr So in Jan 2023 pursuing her Ph.D. studies. Her research focuses on the synthesis, reactivity and catalysis of low valent silicon species.

Glenn Ng
First Year PhD Student
Glenn graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a BSc in June 2023. He embarked on his Ph.D. studies with Dr. So in August 2023. His research focuses on the synthesis and reactivity of low valent CAAC stabilized silicon species.

Isabel Phang
First Year PhD Student
Isabel graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a BSc in June 2020 and a MSc degree in 2023. She continued her journey with Dr. So in January 2024. Her research focuses on the synthesis of low-valent silicon compounds.

Joslyn Cheang
First Year PhD Student
Joslyn graduated from Nanyang Technological University with a BSc in June 2024. She embarked on her Ph.D. studies with Dr. So in August 2024. Her research focuses on the synthesis of low-valent group 14 element compounds and catalysis.
Dr. Meldon Wee Yi Shuo (2024, Ph.D.): Elusive group 14 elemental species stabilized by amidinato silylenes
Ms. Phang Si Jia Isabel (2023, MSc): N-phosphinoamidinato silicon(I) and silicon(II) compounds
Ms. Quek Shina (2022, MSc): Reversible CO2 activation by an N-phosphinoamidinato digermyne
Dr. Fan Jun (2021, Ph.D.): Carbene and N‑phosphinoamidinate stabilized diboron derivatives for catalytic hydroboration
Dr. Leong Bi Xiang (2021, Ph.D.): NHC‒silicon(I) dimer : key to unlock catalytic capability of low-valent silicon complexes
Dr. Chia Cher Chiek (2020, Ph.D.): Catalytic competence of silicon, aluminium and phosphorous
Ms. Ong Xin Yi Melissa (2020, MSc): Advances in the chemistry of base-stabilized germanium(I) compounds towards C-C bond formation
Ms. Lee Jiawen (2019, MSc): Catalytic hydroboration of carbonyl compounds and pyridine derivatives with the NHC-parent silyliumylidene cation
Dr. Muhammad Luthfi Ismail (2019, Ph.D.): Simple synthetic methods towards reactive low valent germanium compounds
Dr. Seow Su Yi Celestine (2018, Ph.D.): Bis(imino)phenyl group 13 - 14 complexes
Dr. Khoo Yee Teng Sabrina (2018, Ph.D.): Amidinato silylene complexes for bond activation and catalysis
Dr. Shan Yuliang (2018, Ph.D.): Amidinate-stabilized silylene-main group element complexes
Dr. Ho Ying Fu Samuel (2016, Ph.D.): Geminal dianionic complexes and their corresponding carbenoids for small molecule activation
Ms. Leong Bi Xiang (2016, MSc): N-heterocyclic germylene-metal adducts
Dr. Chia Siew Peng (2014, Ph.D.): Synthesis of base-stabilized heavier low valent group 14 complexes
Dr. Yeong Huixian Crystal (2014, Ph.D.): Chemistry of base-stabilized group 14 element (I) dimers
Dr. Yang Yifan (2013, Ph.D.): Metal 1,3-Benzobis(thiophosphinoyl)methanediide complexes and a base-stabilized 2-silaallene derivative
Dr. Zhang Shuhua (2013, Ph.D.): Amidinate-stabilized silicon and germanium complexes
Dr. Guo Jiayi (2012, Ph.D.): Synthesis of metal (iminophosphinoyl)(thiophosphinoyl) methanide and methanediide complexes